Evaluating Lead Quality: Ensuring Your Real Estate Investments Pay Off

Evaluating Lead Quality: Ensuring Your Real Estate Investments Pay Off


There are a few factors that determine the success of real estate agents in the field. Leads and being able to understand the quality of leads is one. 

A constant generation of leads allows real estate agents to have an influx of clients that keep the business running and help it grow. Thus, it makes it a priority for real estate agents to have a steady flow of leads always being generated and ensure that the marketing campaigns generating them are working well.

This article will delve into how real estate agents can determine the quality of leads coming into the business and ensure investments pay off. 

What is Lead and Lead Quality?

Leads in Real Estate

There are various ways of generating leads for real estate. When you take into account the traditional means of generating leads and add modern techniques or even buying real estate leads, there is ample opportunity for every real estate agent to keep finding potential clients.

A lead can be anything that creates interaction between a potential client and a real estate agent. For example, you could have lead generation forms on your real estate website and anybody interested can fill out specific forms that highlight what they want from your business. 

As soon as someone fills out the forms and provides your company with the details, they are a lead. The same goes for direct mail, cold calling, and other means of marketing. Say you provide them with contact details alongside an introduction to you and your business and they reach out – that is a lead. 

Considering real estate deals take very long and deal with huge sums of money, you can expect both good and bad leads to take some time to figure out. That is why, being able to understand the lead quality is important.

Lead Quality In Real Estate

Knowing what leads are, it is vital to also know that some leads are better in quality than others. Leads that are better in quality have the potential to become paying clients that leads to long-time work for real estate agents. On the other hand, poor-quality leads often amount to nothing other than a few conversations at most. 

Set out parameters that allow you to understand what type of leads you want and what you want from the person coming in. Follow the three following questions:

  • Who do you want as a customer
  • What you are willing to spend on them to close them
  • What do you expect from them and what do they expect from you

Determining Lead Quality in Real Estate

Measuring lead quality requires following the three important questions that pertain to the perfect customer for your real estate business and following through on them. Numerous real estate CRM systems on the market help real estate agents speed up lead generation and lead management nowadays.

Set What Makes a High-Quality Lead

Fixing parameters that allow you to identify a high-quality lead is essential. Being sure of what makes a lead high-quality as opposed to others is necessary in order to ensure you know what you are dealing with when the time comes. 

Being able to set what makes a high-quality lead in advance also allows you and your team to focus on the task when the time comes. Knowing how much resource a deal is going to take is key in the long run for real estate deals. 

Provide Trackable Resources To Leads

Since real estate deals can take a long time, a lot of people often spend years just browsing and are not serious about actually engaging in a deal immediately. These are the poor-quality leads that you need to weed out. 

Utilizing your company’s real estate social media profile and real estate website is a handy tactic for this scenario. Ensuring your real estate website and profiles have free downloadable resources that keen leads are interested in going through is important. Not to mention, these can be tracked as to how many times they have been downloaded and being able to track which leads have them downloaded is helpful too.

Agents can understand how keen a lead is to genuinely go into a deal by checking if they have downloaded the free resources, meaning they are interested in a deal. 

Queries on Websites

Real estate websites can be a great tactical advantage for real estate businesses, as they allow agents to place in queries that can help determine whether a lead is genuinely interested or just browsing. 

For example, a person could browse the site for a while but leave no interaction on your website besides that. However, a genuinely interested person will want to contact in some way, shape, or form. 

For this instance, adding a query as soon as a person enters your website with something that entices them is important. It can help them communicate with you and convey what they want or are expecting from your business. 


Overall, ensuring lead quality is not just something handy for your business, but something that is pivotal in today’s competitive world. As good as it is to have a healthy number of leads, no one wants to spend their time and resources on leads that pan out to nothing because they were never truly interested. 

As such, maintaining a standard of lead quality and ensuring that they are always fulfilled to weed out the best prospects is necessary to the growth and expansion of a real estate business. On top of that, good quality leads allow businesses to have more clients, meaning more success and a better path for everyone.

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