What is Fiber Optic Cable, How It Works And Its Benefits

 Fiber Optic Cable

Do you know what keeps a business thriving? It is none other than its communication infrastructure. And guess what? Fiber optic cable installation is nothing less than the backbone of the modern communications infrastructure. 

Back in time, copper cables were used in businesses, and later on, these were replaced by fiber optic cables. Wondering what led to this replacement? 

It can carry signals and data over longer distances and that too by causing minimal loss. But this is not all. 

Let us learn about how fiber optic cable works and what it has in store for businesses these days in the post below. 

Fiber Optic Cable 

Most network cabling installers also refer to fiber optic cable as optical cable. It is a cable filled with thin glass or plastic fibers. Its speed ranges from 1 Mbps to 100 Gbps. It is nearly 20 times faster than the other widely available cables. 

Most businesses use it to carry data over longer distances. The two types of fiber optic cables include: 

  • Single-mode fiber optic cable 
  • Multi-mode fiber optic cable 
Fiber Optic Cable 

How Fiber Optic Cable Works?

Wondering how fiber optic cable works? Look no more as we have got an answer to this question. It works by splitting files into data pockets of zeroes and ones. A code-type signal is flashed by the laser into one end. 

The beam of light is kept inside the filament with the help of a special sheath. It then bounces off the walls and then pops out from the other. 

Fiber Optic Cable Installation Benefits 

Curious to know how fiber optic cable installation benefits your business? We understand you. Knowing this is significant before investing. 

Let’s have a sneak peek into the benefits of fiber optic cable installation. 


Looking for a high-speed network? Well, fiber optic cable installation has got you covered. It has a speed of 1 Gbps which is 10 to 20 times higher than the other cables. With this, you can transmit data over longer distances at a much higher speed. 

Wondering why this is so? This is because light travels faster than the electrical signals. With this, experience faster internet connections, and smooth streaming. Moreover, handles vast amounts of data with ease now. 

Higher reliability 

Imagine this. You are in the middle of working on something important and unable to complete the task because of a slow internet connection. Feels frustrating, right? If left ignored, then this can result in decreased productivity and loss of revenue. 

Fortunately, you can now say no to a slow internet connection. Simply hire the fiber optic installation company to get the fiber optic installation done as it can handle more users and data at higher speeds. 

Moreover, it is not prone to outages and stays intact even when the lights are out which in turn makes it reliable for businesses. 

Higher bandwidth 

Do you have multiple systems and are looking for a network that can support multiple devices? Fiber optic cable installation is the way for you. With the increase in internet usage, the need for reliable and faster data transmission also increases. 

Than traditional cables, fiber optic cables carry much more data due to the increased capacity and bandwidth. Get support for multiple devices at the same time with these cables and that too without sacrificing the performance. 

Greater security

Deal with large amounts of data and fretting over its security? Not anymore now. Copper cables can be easily tapped to intercept data but this is not the case with the fiber optic cables. It is nearly impossible to tap fiber optic cables without detection. 

Attempting to do so results in signal loss or cable breakage which in turn can be easily identified. 

Choosing The Fiber Optic Installation Company

All these benefits come down to one thing: the company you choose for the installation. Choosing the right fiber optic installation company can make or mar your business’s network. Thinking about how to choose the right installation company? 

Look no more. Keep these things in mind while you choose the fiber optic installation company. 

Expertise- See if they have years of experience and a proven track record of helping businesses with fiber optic cable installation. 

Reputation- Check if the company has a solid reputation in the market or not. Read their online reviews, and testimonials and ask their previous customers if they’ll recommend the company to you or not. 

Pricing plans- Ask them to share their custom pricing plans to see if they align with your budget or not. 

Final Words

This is all about fiber optic cable installation. The next steps? Find the fiber optic installation company to get the installation done at your business facility. 

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